Author Archives: SCVBranch
2013 Theme Festival
THANK YOU to JOHN FAIRBANKS for hosting the Theme Festival!! All three recitals were a great success and it was so fun to see all the costumes! Thank you to all the participating teachers, and to MSSL for helping to put goodie bags together, carving pumpkins, and helping to decorate! It was a BIG help!
October MSSL Meeting
The MSSL Meeting on October 5th was a major success! We have 30 MSSL Members as of today! Thank you to all the teachers who helped spread the word and encouraged students to participate. I would also like to thank Susan Carpenter for leading the meeting, elections, and getting the ball rolling with MSSL. Way
The Improvisation theme for 2013-2014 is “Holidays.” Log in to the teacher pages on the MTAC website and click on Improvisation>Documents where you will find sample assignments listed by year. “Holidays” is at the top of the list labeled as the 2014 Theme. Click on “Holidays” to open sample assignments for each month of the