Southern California Junior Bach and Baroque Festival Winners
Congratulations to the outstanding performances of these young musicians. All winners in the Bach Festival category proceed to the Regional Festival.
2023 SCJBF Winners: Caiyou Peng (Jean DeMart); Ruby Jiang (Agnes Kim); Hayden Yang, Noel Tsan, Euan Dandurand (Brianna Marra); Emma Wang, Joan Isabelle Go, Lucy Liu (Agnes Kim); Harry Christiansen, Erica Chan (Jean DeMart); Nick Tian (Teresa Wang); Khloe Tolentino (Agnes Kim); Tiffany Tung, Nathan Pak (Agnes Kim); Brooklyn Lacy (Jean DeMart) Honorable Mention: Elynn Zhang (Teresa Wang)
2023 Baroque Festival Winners: William Pu, Ethan Everts (Alex Bozman); William Ching (Teresa Wang); Linda Xu, Nitheesh Jaganathan (Agnes Kim); Rebekah Kumar, Claire Zhao, Coraline Lee (Jean DeMart); Honorable Mention: Veda Hingarh (Alex Bozman); Emma Hussein (Jean DeMart)