Events Schedule
Dear Music Student Parents,
Your family’s private music teacher is a member of the Music Teachers Association of California (MTAC). The MTAC is a non-profit organization for private music teachers all throughout California.
Teachers have to satisfy certain requirements in order to obtain membership; most importantly, obtaining a degree in music. Having an MTAC certified teacher means your children are eligible to participate in the many performance opportunities and events put on by our local Santa Clarita Valley Branch.
Please review the event schedule below containing a brief description of the events our branch will be hosting this calendar year. There will be more events as they are planned so keep up with us on our website
Most of our branch events are held at Little School of Music, 28306 Constellation Rd. Valencia CA 91355.
The Branch owns a beautiful Yamaha concert grand piano which is housed at LSM for all of our students to enjoy for years to come. Please let your teacher know which events your family would like to participate in.
The MTAC SCV Branch Board
Community Outreach Recital at Atria Assisted Living
Day/Time: Saturday, February 15th, 2025, 1:00 pm
Location: Atria Assisted Living, 24431 Lyons Ave., Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Teachers: Have students wear RED, PINK or CONCERT BLACK
No Entry Fee
Southern California Jr. Bach Festival & Baroque Festival
2025 SCJBF Information
Date: Sunday, March 9, 2025, 2pm
Location: Little School of Music
Fee due (by parents: Feb. 14, 2025
Online registration at www.
2025 Romantic Music Festival
Day/Time: Sunday, April 27th, 2025, 2-6 pm. (specific recital times will be assigned)
Location: Little School of Music – 28306 Constellation Rd. Valencia, CA 91355
Entry Fee: $40
For more information on MTAC State Program Dates view the MTAC State Calendar