2014 Fall Branch Recital
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2014 Fall Branch Recital
The MTAC Anavar price coralife biocube advanced adding a SCV Branch Fall Recital was held at the Little School of Music in November 2014 and the host was Madeline Miller. Students cialis for sale in america nz of the MTAC SCV Branch, performed in this recital on Legal testosterone propionate scoobysnack test p piano and
Community Outreach – Literacy & Arts Festival
Music Student Service League students helped out at the Santa Clarita Valley Literacy and Arts Festival Saturday November 15th, 2014 from 10 am to 3pm. Here is a picture of them manning the Instrument Petting Zoo table outside the Old Town Newhall Library. Two of the students also performed solo violin performances there as well.
Community Outreach – Halloween Recital
Saturday October 25th over 30 students performed at SummerHill Villa Seniors Testogel buy in Australia home on guitar, piano and flute. We handed out candy after to the seniors and the kids trick-or-treated. A grand Dianabol pills for sale khloe kardashian pounds event of Halloween music and a great evening.