Author Archives: SCVBranch


Community Outreach – Halloween Recital
January 14, 2015 Programs & Events SCVBranch

Saturday October 25th over 30 students performed at SummerHill Villa Seniors Testogel buy in Australia home on guitar, piano and flute. We handed out candy after to the seniors and the kids trick-or-treated. A grand Dianabol pills for sale khloe kardashian pounds event of Halloween music and a great evening.

MSSL October Meeting
October 18, 2014 Meetings SCVBranch

Thank you to all the students who attended the MSSL Meeting. Thank you to Manak Khamvongsa, SCV MTAC Branch MSSL Advisor, and to Susan Carpenter SCV MTAC Branch Community Outreach Chair, for presenting and helping at the meeting. MSSL is planning to help at upcoming Branch Community Outreach events, and are planning to host events

Community Outreach Event
September 14, 2014 Programs & Events SCVBranch

Thank you to the MTAC SCV Branch students who came out to perform at the Pacifica Senior Center this Saturday, September 13, 2014. Thank you to Susan Carpenter for organizing the event and to Manak Khamvongsa for his support and attending the event.