Monthly Archives: July 2013


Treasurer Report, Check!
July 23, 2013 Announcements SCVBranch

The books are balanced! Financial Report complete. Thank you to John Fairbanks, SCV Branch Treasurer.    

Community Outreach Report
July 23, 2013 Announcements SCVBranch

by Manak Khamvongsa, Community Outreach Chair In addition to regular planning meetings held at Little school of Music, these events were performed this year for community outreach. -SummerHill Villa Senior Home Student Concerts (2) concerts:� Saturday March 9th 2013, Saturday Sept 22nd 2012 -Westfield Mall Student Concerts on the third Saturdays of the month for

Image July 22, 2013 Announcements SCVBranch

Thank you for Steroids Direct Australia // Steroids in Sydney visiting the Santa Clarita Valley Branch website! The Music Teachers’ Association of California, Santa Clarita Valley Branch currently has 57 Members who are professionals dedicated to bringing the joy of music to our students.� The SCV Branch is a very unique group of music teachers